The Cranmer Group Podcast
Welcome to our weekly podcast – Cranmer Online! Catch up here with our Sunday sermons if you've missed one, or if you'd like to hear it again!
104 episodes
"Seeking Jesus" (8th September, 2024 - The Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity)
Drawing especially on Matthew chapter 11, verses 28-30, in The Message version, Tim reflects on what he may heave learned from the Lord during his mini-sabbatical over the summer holidays
"Living Hope" (21st July, 2024 - The Eighth Sunday after Trinity)
Tim brings to a close our sermon series on our Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham's Vision 2030, reflecting on what we have to offer to the people of our communities: the "living hope" of Jesus Christ, of which Peter writes in 1 Peter 1:3-9. I...
"Nurturing Prayer" (14th July, 2024 - The Seventh Sunday after Trinity)
Annie suggests, with advice from Jesus in Luke 8:42-48 and Luke 11:1-10, how we might go about building up prayer in our lives, both individually and as the gathered people of God in this time and place.
"Enabling Commitment" (30th June, 2024 - The Fifth Sunday after Trinity)
Looking especially at Jesus' challenge to his disciples in Luke 9:23-25, to "deny themselves, take up their cross daily and follow me", Bronwen encourages us to give up our current life for a life following Jesus, in which we are promised abund...
"Growing Leaders" (23rd June, 2024 - The Fourth Sunday after Trinity)
Looking at Exodus 18:9-27 and Matthew 8:35-38, and thinking about whywe seek to be a church family that is “growing leaders", Tim challenges us to reflect on Jesus’s call on our lives as his followers, and to ask him to show us where, and h...
"Enhancing Diversity" (16th June, 2024 - The Third Sunday after Trinity)
Reflecting on both the Creation narrative of Genesis 1 and also Paul's image in 1 Corinthians 12 of the church as being like a body, comprised of so many different and complementing parts, Annie encourages us reflect on why we should seek to be...
"Inspiring Worship" (9th June, 2024 - The Second Sunday after Trinity)
Drawing on Psalm 95, and John 4:7-26, Bron invites us to consider what "inspiring worship" might look like, and how, especially, "inspiring worship" ensures that our churches are places of welcome for all, because no one is beyond God’s l...
"Reaching Younger" (2nd June, 2024 - The First Sunday after Trinity)
Drawing on Christ's words in Luke 18:15-17, and the declarations of Psalm 8, Clare Chambers shares with us what Scripture says about planting young spiritual seedings, and nurturing them into "oaks of righteousness", as Jesus would have us do. ...
"Born Again" (Baptisms) (26th May, 2024 - Trinity Sunday)
As we celebrate joy-filled baptisms at both our 9am and 11am services on this Trinity Sunday, Tim considers how Jesus's encounter with Nicodemus (John 3:1-17), and especially his words in verse 16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave his ...
Diocesan Vision: "Growing Disciples of Christ, with Compassion, Confidence and Courage" (part 2) (19th May, 2024 - Pentecost)
After our Bishops' introduction to the new Diocesan Vision (here), Tim continues his sermon considering how the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Disciples on the first Pentecost, inspi...
Diocesan Vision: "Growing Disciples of Christ, with Compassion, Confidence and Courage" (part 1) (19th May, 2024 - Pentecost)
Tim considers how the coming of the Holy Spirit upon the Disciples on the first Pentecost, inspires us as we follow our new Diocesan Vision 2030: "Growing Disciples of Christ, with Compassion, Confidence and Courage". This is the first part of ...
"Protected, prayed for, and purified" (12th May, 2024 - The Sunday after Ascension Day)
As we celebrate another baptism in our church family today, Tim explores with us Jesus's prayer for his disciples in John 17:6-19. He reflects on how God the Father protects us; how God the Son prays for us; and how God’s Word - Scripture...
"I no longer call you servants.... I have called you friends" (5th May, 2024 - The Sixth Sunday of Easter)
Tim invites us - with some help from Ella, the Vicarage Labrador - to consider the unique qualities of Jesus' loving friendship for us all, that he describes in John 15:9-17 - sharing, 'stickability' and sacrifice.
"Abide in me, as I also abide in you" (28th April, 2024 - The Fifth Sunday of Easter)
Bronwen invites us to bear good fruit in our lives, as disciples of Jesus Christ. But, as Christ tells us in John 15:1-8, Bron reminds us that we can only be the disciples God wants us to be, when we remain connected to the vine, to Jesus himse...
"The Good Shepherd" (21st April, 2024 - The Fourth Sunday of Easter)
Tim looks at what Jesus says about himself in John 10:11-18 - that he is our Good Shepherd, who cares completely for us; in whom we can place our trust totally; and who gives everything for us.
"Peace Be with You!" (part II) (14th April, 2024, The Third Sunday of Easter)
Just as Bronwen reflected on Jesus's words to the Disciples in his first encounter with them after the Resurrection, as told by John, Tim considers Christ's same words to them in Luke 24:36-49. Tim examines how Luke’s message to us is that Jesu...
"Peace Be with You!" (7th April, 2024, The Second Sunday of Easter)
Bron speaks to us about the resurrected Jesus's first appearance to the Disciples as they hid from the religious authorities (John 20:19-end), and reflects on Christ's first words to them - "Peace be with you". Bron encourages us, also, to know...
"He has risen! He is not here." (31st March, 2024, Easter Day)
Tim invites us, with the three women, to look into Jesus's empty tomb, and reflect on their faith, and on our own. Although - unlike in the other three Gospels - in Mark's account of the Resurrection (Mark 16:1-8), there is no encounter between...
"Am I truly your King?" (24th March, 2024, Palm Sunday)
Looking at Mark's account of Jesus's entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, Tim suggests that Jesus preaches not one, but two 'sermons without words', through his actions on that day. As we also join with the Jerusalem crowds to proclaim “Hosanna...
"I will draw all people to me!" (17th March, 2024, The Fifth Sunday of Lent)
Annie encourages us, looking at Christ's words in John 12:20-33, that God's Word cannot fail; that His new covenant is already in place for us in and through Jesus; and that all we need to do is to say "Yes!" to him.
Believe, and Live! (10th March, 2024, The Fourth Sunday of Lent)
Tim looks at how God shows his love for the world above all through Jesus lifted up on the cross, through whom we receive reconcilation and healing (John 3:14-21)
The Cross: The Way of Life and Peace (3rd March, 2024, The Third Sunday of Lent)
Through John 2:13-22, and 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, Bronwen helps us to think about why Good Friday is - although at the time it looked very different to Christ's followers - in fact "good" to all who believe in Jesus.
New Agenda; New Identity; New Hope (25th February, 2024, The Second Sunday of Lent)
Tim, with the help of Mark 8:31-38, encourages us to consider the true nature of Jesus as Saviour; and what it really means, to be one of his followers. Through looking at the reasons - 'personal', 'legal' and 'cosmic' - why Jesus had to die on...
God's Covenant with Creation (18th February, 2024, The First Sunday of Lent)
Through the story of God's first covenant of grace, made after The Flood not only with Noah but with the whole of Creation (Genesis 9:8-17), Annie points us to Jesus as the very foundation on whom all of God's promises rest.